Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Christmas '09 and Beyond... Random Pics

This is my dad. Yes he is quiet, but he does have the FUNNIEST sense of humor. Here he is demonstrating (look at picture #2) the alarming fact that the older men get, the more their butts shrink! It's true! We have proof!

Sister hit a winner with Brock's hat and shirt! OK, really, the credit for the shirt goes to JJ.

And Christmas would not be complete without a strange, and well.... cute? gift from my mom.

Probably my favorite picture of JJ and Maya. He was definitely her favorite family member by far!

Thanks to my family, JJ and I both wound up with Chuck Taylors. I wear mine everywhere, even to the Jazz games, and their colors are blue, purple and white. Hey! Pink goes with everything!

We were all totally impressed that Christie stepped it up and played rock band with us. She... well... she ROCKED! My mom had never played before, and although the guitar was set to easy, she hit 79% on her first try! WOW!

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