Tuesday, September 16, 2008

On the March...

I was able to attend this year's Utah National Guard Governer's Day up at the University football stadium, and I have to say, the show was pretty impressive. Because JJ works for the Air National Guard, his commander-in-chief is the governer of the state of Utah, and each year, he does his "review of the troops". It was a sight to see and definitely made me feel 100% patriotic, and so proud to be part of a "military family".

Lining up before marching onto the football field (they had to stand in approx. 95 degree heat for over three hours - one and a half hours were at attention!)

I can tell which guy is JJ, but can you? :0)

I ran way high up in the stands to get this shot, and still was only able to capture about half of the field.

JJ and Jerry with Ginger and I - all of us so thankful to finally be in the shade! This was Jerry's last Governer's Day with the Guard; he will be fully retired in about six months.


Stacey said...

That was pretty cool!!!!!
I admit I can not tell which is JJ but I am sure glad you can tell.
very cool that you got to go and watch. I know it probably made it much more enjoyable for him knowing that you were up there watching him....
love ya, Stacey

Natalie said...

ERIN!!! How are you? Thank you so much for the blog love, you are so sweet. When are you coming to see maya? I asked molly the other day and she wasnt sure. When you come we will all have to do something. cant wait to see ya!!! and for you to meet sweet baby maya!

Ty and Molly said...

Love you sister! I can't wait until you are able to see Maya...she is growing and changing every day. Do you and JJ have skype? You could see her from our webcam.

Katie and Bob said...

Oh my gosh Erin! Wow, it's been a few years since we have ran into one another but I am excited to see another fellow Ellensburger with a blog! I found your blog through Teasley's blog! Congrats on your wedding, you were a beautiful bride! Good luck on your new business venture, that is so exciting. I am going to add you to my blog list so I can follow your blog now:) P.S. I visited SLC for the first time this year (wrote about it on our blog back in Feb. I think) and just fell in love with that place! We traveled there for my husband to do some electrical testing. Have a great weekend! katie (wilson) mayer

Amy said...

Is that REALLY you Chaaaaahs? I'm so excited!! Apparently us Eburgers are snoopy and find each other by stalking other people's blogs - I found you while perusing Katie's! JJ is super cute, as are your animals, and I am just so happy you've found your happiness! Say hi to your momma and my love, Brock, for me!
Amy (Stone) Dronen :)


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