Thursday, May 6, 2010

Happy Times...

Happy Mom and Dad!

Trying out the new merchandise... I have to admit, this carrier was a little confusing at first :0)

JJ with the stroller that is seriously the size of a compact car! It's a good thing that we have a mini van to put it in! (Don't make fun, all you mini van haters!)

Nursery fabric! My Auntie is going to make us baby quilts, and we are decorating the nursery around this colorful palette.

Preggers With Twins...

I have had many, many requests to post "belly pictures" and I honestly didn't realize that I would be rather shy about this! I have surprised myself with this sentiment. Nevertheless, I need to be better about keeping in touch, so here goes...

Tummy at just over 4 months

4 1/2 months; if you see a BIG difference, please remember that I have two urchins that I am toting around with me! LOL!

JJ's favorite...

My favorite...

This was taken just a couple of days ago. I am now just over 5 months, and REALLY showing! Not to mention, the camera angle is not terribly flattering!


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