Monday, December 29, 2008
A Christmas in Pictures...

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008
Merry/Crazy Christmas Everyone...
The ever-challenging setup of a real Christmas tree... JJ was a trooper.
JJ, bless his little heart, thought it would be nice to decorate his mom... also a trooper!
JJ and Stubbs, Ginger and Jerry's dog (the poor little guy was terrorized by our two labs, and was very much, yes you got it: a trooper)!
I know that this was a very short blog, and it has probably left most of you more frusterated than satisfied, but I could not let another day pass without posting, and here is the explanation for that: I found out today, much to my horrified dismay, that certain people (and I am not going to mention names, you know who you are!!!) actually keep track and then INFORM the blogger (that would be me!) how long it has been since they have posted! ACK! I couldn't believe it! So, Miss Stacey, this one is for you, Sister!!! Tee-Hee!